Our meetings will include a focus on learning a language or cultural lesson about Japan, but we will plan for future activities and fundraisers for a few months down the road.

Our predetermined schedule of meetings for 2024:

September 9th Info Session - Theme: Introductions/Writing Your Name in Japanese

September 23rd Meeting - Theme: Origami

October 7th Meeting - Theme: Sports & Fitness / Field Day (Rainy Day: "Saiki K")

October 21st Meeting - Theme: Halloween / "Mononoke" Anime

November 18th, Meeting - Theme: Calligraphy & Manga Drawing

December 16th, Meeting - Theme: Bounenkai! "Forget the Year" Party

Our predetermined schedule of meetings for 2025:

January 13th Meeting - Theme: Holidays in Japan / Arts & Crafts

January 27th Meeting - Theme: Sumo & Paper Sumo Tournament

February 10th Meeting - Theme: Valentines/White Day & Haiku

February 24th Meeting - Theme: Ramen Culture / "Ramen Girl" Movie

March 10th Meeting - Theme: TBA!!!

April 7th Meeting - Theme: Trip to Japan! Recollections of the March 2025 Trip / 2024-2025 Officer Nominations & Elections

April 21st Meeting - Theme: Gakunenmatsukai! - End of School Year Party


Please contact us at dbhsjapanclub@gmail.com or dbhssensei@gmail.com to be added to the meeting invitation!

Follow our activities on Instagram at @dbhsjapanclub



Generally meets either Tuesday or Wednesday after school.  Join our Japanese Study Group Team to receive notifications for these meetings.

Our meetings serve as tutoring sessions for anyone who needs extra help in the Japanese classes. Meetings will be 1 hour, from 3:40-4:40pm.  Those students who would like to tutor need prior approval from Collazo-sensei, and JNHS members are expected to provide some tutoring.  Any potential members (see qualifications below) are encouraged to get approval.



Qualifications for JNHS students in Levels 2, 3 & 4 include both of the following:

1) Maintaining a 3.5 GPA in Japanese classes and a 3.0 Overall GPA.

2) Must demonstrate dedication to teaching and learning about Japanese language and culture through a minimum of 10 hours in promotion of Japanese studies (through tutoring peers or active participation in Japan Bowl/Japanese competition or Japan Club, or some equivalent activity)

Unfortunately, we were unable to complete an induction ceremony of new members to our JNHS chapter in the spring of 2022.  Students will be nominated this year for maintaining their grades AND for providing a service to our program through tutoring and the Japan Club.

Anyone considering membership induction in the coming year, 2023 (Level 2 and above), are welcome to join us to help with tutoring and competition preparation, so they can fulfill the service requirement for induction.





2022-2023 KAC Global Classmates Program

DBHS Japanese Level 2, 3, 4 students participated in exchange with Japanese students in Japan through the Kizuna Across Cultures' Global Classmates Program.  We exchanged via Canvas discussions on a variety of topics and shared omiyage gifts through mail.  We were the only school in the state of Florida to participate in this internationally recognized exchange program!

2019 Kakehashi Project - Reports

November 2019:  Kakehashi participants were busy sharing their experiences in Japan in the months after the trip, in an effort to follow through with our After Action Plan.  We discussed our experiences and answered questions about the Japan Trip with students through our Freshman Round Up Orientation in August, through the Japanese classes in Japanese, and through our Japan Club in our most recent meeting on November 4th.  We hope to expand our activities to include a culture day activity with local elementary schools, and possibly even Deerfield Beach Middle.  And we will be hosted Consul General of Japan in Miami on November 26th to discuss our Kakehashi experiences and to develop further projects to promote Japanese cultural learning in our community.  We were honored to have him visit us!

Collazo-sensei thanking Consul General Hirata for his recommendation that Deerfield Beach High School participate in the 2019 Kakehashi Exchange Project.

August 2019:  We are proud to have participated in the 2019 Kakehashi Exchange Project sponsored by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA), Japan International Cooperation Center (JICE).  We traveled to Japan from July 29th through August 6th this summer.  20 students and 5 teachers participated in a series of meetings, exchange activities, and travel experiences that each of us chronicled through social media platforms, including Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and Facebook.  We presented our reflections and our plan for sharing Japanese culture when we returned at a reporting session with MOFA and JICE officials in Tokyo at the end of the trip.  I would like to thank all who participated in representing DBHS well throughout the entire trip.  All of you conducted yourselves well, compassion and sensitivity to this wonderful culture, and many of you provided formal greetings, presentations, and remarks of appreciation in Japanese when requested.  I'm so proud of all of you.  よくできましたよ!お疲れ様でした!

Deerfield Beach High School participants in the 2019 Kakehashi Exchange Project (in front of Sensoji in Asakusa, Tokyo).
