AT A GLANCE: Essential Resources, Class Resources, IB Related Resources
Website links and documents compiled by W. Collazo for Use in TOK Classes at Deerfield Beach High School
Disclaimer: I have very carefully inspected and included sites that are educational in nature, offering a wide range of information on topics. However, given the complexity of some of these sites (especially those that are updated daily), I have not been able to follow all the links and examine every single article associated with them. Students must act in accordance with the Broward County Use of Technology and the Internet Policy they agree to and sign at the beginning of each school year with regard to materials that may not be viewed by minors.
Essential Resources
TOK Curriculum Guide 2020 (For first assessments 2022) - This IB-published guide (pdf file) is intended for teachers, but is full of information, context, and questions useful for students. Find the complete explanations of and assessment criteria for both the External Assessment (TOK Essay) and the Internal Assessment (TOK Exhibition) in this document.
Class Resources
TED Talks Online - This website is a treasure trove of "great talks to stir your curiosity."
Writing the TOK Essay (an excerpt from the Dombrowski ToK textbook we use)
Writing Philosophy Papers (Peter Horban, Simon Fraser University, 1993)
Writing Counter Arguments (PDF File)
Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary - An online dictionary to provide definitions for discussion, NOT for citation as THE definition used in your TOK writings & essays!
Online Etymology Dictionary - This is a great site for learning about the origins of English words, NOT their definitions. - This site will be used for an additional measure of anti-plagiarism.
National Public Radio - This is a great site for Knowledge-at-Work source material.
Code of Academic Integrity at Cornell (Cornell University's Code of Academic Conduct, adopted originally in 1976 and amended several times throughout the years)
Ethical Practice - Published by IBO
Philosophy and Mathematics - Click on the MP3 download on the right of the page for the lecture to which it refers.
Academy of Ideas - This is an interesting website that includes short videos on philosophical ideas and some of the people behind them. It contains other resources that may be of use to you as well.
Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy - This is an online peer-reviewed academic resource on major topics in philosophy.
Philosophy: An Online Resource Guide (Wise Old Sayings) - This site is a one stop shop of useful links for background information on philosophy.
Philosophy Education Resource Guide (SmartScholar) - This site is a launch platform for a number of useful sites to learn more about philosophy.
The Philosophy of Logic - This is an interesting and useful resource that summarizes key points related to our discussions on logic.
Skeptic Online - This website dedicated to promoting the publication and features numerous interesting articles that make you question some of the conventional wisdom in these scientific fields.
IB Related Resources
May 2024 Schedule of IB Examinations - the complete schedule of exams divided into morning and afternoon exams
IB Notes - This site is useful for ALL IB courses, with online resources for all IB courses.

Death of Socrates by Jacques-Louis David (1787)